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Valuable Outsourcing

Get professional help with running and hosting your applications

With application management, we help you host your applications and provide professional help when problems arise
Let us handle your IT

What is application management?

Application management services are all about ensuring optimal operation and management of your most important applications.

When we host your servers, we also manage the applications you use on a daily basis. These programs are crucial to the efficiency and success of your business.

If your programs don't work one day, it can cause major losses and frustration. That's why it's crucial to have fast and professional help on hand. At MI Support IT, we guarantee that your applications will always run smoothly, so you can focus on growing your business without worry.

A flexible IaaS solution

MI Support IT offers flexible application management as an Infrastructure as a Service solution. Here, you are basically responsible for developing and solving problems with your applications.

We run it all on our server, and if there are any issues with your application, we can find an expert to solve the problem.

MI Support IT can act as an intermediary, drawing on our network and finding the best specialist to handle your problem.
Flexible solution

Only pay for what you use

With application management through MI Support IT, you only pay for a little more than server hosting.

We only charge for the time we spend helping you. That way you get value for your money.

If you can maintain and troubleshoot your applications yourself, you only pay for the servers we host.
Reliable Hosting

Make your applications scalable with Application Management

If your business has specific applications, it is crucial that operations are stable to ensure that the applications can keep up with the company's growth and development pace.

At MI Support IT, our experienced IT specialists can help you ensure stable operations and optimize your applications for future growth. Our team of skilled professionals are ready to offer you the expertise and support you need so you can focus on running your business.

Reliable operation of your applications

Experience expertise and quality to suit your needs
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